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Bermuda's national park, Arboretum is a major tourist attraction located in Devonshire. Covering 22 acres of the island with a wide variety of trees, it is also home to a bird sanctuary. Managed by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, we're open for visitors from sunrise to sunset all days of the week.
Visitors to the Arboretum will see many types of rare birds, such as trilling cardinals and rare bluebirds, white-eyed vireo and kiskadees. The Arboretum is a vast expanse of meadows and forest including cedar, cherry forest, rubber trees and many other plantations. The bridge leading to the park is decorated with cedar beams and below the bridge there are small pools.
A great spot for a picnic, it is ideal for joggers and for long walks in the morning and evening. Come and experience the natural scenic beauty of Bermuda.